Personify Enhancements
Now that I'm on the "inside" I can tell you a bit about how product marketing works to get new features into the product. If you have heard of Pragmatic Marketing, that is the methodology we are following.
We are using a product called FeaturePlan to collect data about what should go into the product. Enhancement requests that are submitted though the customer service portal, items you tell your PM about, things our sales people hear from prospects, market reserach and competitive analysis are all entered in and linked to problem statements. Problem statements receive a score based on all those inputs.
Problems statments that have high scores then get requriements gathered by product marketing, and designs are created from these requirements to go into the product.
How can you help? Tell us what you want.
Not only by submitting enhancement requests, but also volunteering for customer reserach. In many cases we will send questions to the Yahoo Group and/or ask for input from customer directly. Please help us make a great product.
Most recently we launched a new and improved the Notifications module for Personify. I sent an email to the Yahoo Group asking for information on notifications used and wanted. Those who responded had input into how the design was done and were invited to see a prototype and give more feedback. Then when the design was done, they were invited back to view the finished product and see if we got it right.
Applies to: Personify
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