ZIP100- Zip Code Upload Process
I just ran this ths other day (in TIMSS6.2.1) and it was very easy.
First you need to get the CD from the Post Office. This PDF has instructions and the order form: Make sure you get the City State product. I just got the single CD and not the supscription because I don't think they change enough to make it worth while. However I don't think it had been done since we got TIMSS 5 years ago, so it added over 4,000 zip codes.
When you get the CD, the citystate.txt is zipped on the CD. Extract the file. It needs to end up on your TRS server in the "..\TPRO\TRS\Input\ZIP100" folder. You can either put it there youself, or on the TRS100 screen pull up the ZIP100 job and click on the Upload Input File button on the bottom left of the screen.
I ran it in TTST first, deleting the missing zips (parameter = Y) and it worked great! And took less than 2 minutes for the job to finish.
Applies to: TIMSS6
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