Rob's TIMSS Blog

My discoveries and ramblings of TIMSS/Personify.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

TIMSS 6 & VeriSign

TIMSS 6 integrates credit card processing with VeriSign, a big improvement over PC Charge. I've had no issues with it failing since we upgraded to TIMSS 6. A helpful documents can be found on VeriSign's website. Here is a good one.

Once you have created your account with VeriSign, you can login to your account and run reports as to what's been charged if you do have any mis-matches/errors at

VeriSign gives you 2 accounts, a Test and a Production one. You can control which once TIMSS is charging to in the ..\\Services\TimssInterfaceServer\TimssInterfaceConfig.xml file. Your TTST should be "", whereas TPRO should be "". Since this is stored in a config file and not the database, when you refresh the TTST DB, you don't have to worry about it pointing to the wrong server. However, if you create a new TIMSS instance from TPRO, you will need to point it to the correct server in the copied config file.

Testing can be done with the following card numbers, which will only work on the test server:

IssuerTest Number
American Express378282246310005
American Express371449635398431
Amex Corporate378734493671000
Australian BankCard5610591081018250
Diners Club30569309025904
Diners Club38520000023237

Note: Even though this number has a different
character count than the other test numbers, it is the correct and functional number.

Settlement is done nightly by VeriSign depending upon who your processor is.

ProcessorSettlement Time
American Express Phoenix7 PM Pacific Time
FDMS Nashville9 PM Pacific Time
FDMS South4 PM Pacific Time
Global Payments-Central3 PM Pacific Time
Nova7 PM Pacific Time
Paymentech New Hampshire4 PM Pacific Time
First Data TeleCheck6 PM Pacific Time
Vital8 PM Pacific Time

To have your charges posted to the bank, you need to run the CCP610 process. This is a process that you will most likely want to schedule to run nightly according to when your procesor settles with VeriSign. If you run CCP610 after your bank settles, then you won't see the charges until the next time you processor settles (i.e. the next day).

When charging a card, Verisign puts an Authorization on the card for the funds, but the funds aren't actually charged until settlement is run. This allows you to do a Reversal the same day and they charge won't appear on the cardholder's statement. On the reports from the VeriSign Manager, you will see the Authorization for the charge, but you won't see the actual debit until the settlement.

The same is true for credit card refunds. You will see them in TIMSS as unprocessed until the CCP610 is run. Thus you can reverse them the same day.

Applies to: TIMSS6


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