Name Prefix, Suffix & Credential
In TIMSS 6 and Personify, an individual's name is made up of different parts, including Prefix, Suffix & Credential fields that are based on types and codes. The types are NAME_PREFIX, NAME_SUFFIX, CREDENTIALS, respectively. You CAN use periods in the code.
The prefix and suffix are selected from a drop down on the customer name screen. There are options in the System Parameters (USE_PREFIX_DESCR_LBL & USE_SUFFIX_DESCR_LBL) to determine if the code or it's description should be used in the label name.
For credentials, there is a look up on the customer name screen because you can select more than one credential (use the crtl key to select more than one). The code is used in the label name, and the description is shown to define the credential (i.e. CPA=Certified Public Accountant).
As on all codes, you can set a Display Order to control how these are displayed. You can use this to display the codes with common values first or in a logical order (Jr, Sr, III, IV, etc). If you have a long list of codes, it's probably best to display them alphabetically so your users can easily find what they are looking for.
Applies to: TIMSS6 & Personify
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