Rob's TIMSS Blog

My discoveries and ramblings of TIMSS/Personify.

Monday, September 04, 2006

TIMSS 6: VeriSign Referral Error

When charging a card the other day, we received the following error when we tried to authorize the card:

When I went to the VeriSign Manager, I saw that the result code returned was 13 and looked it up (

Referral. Transaction was declined but could be approved with a verbal authorization from the bank that issued the card. Submit a manual Voice Authorization transaction and enter the verbal authorization code. You normally request a voice authorization from a card-issuing bank when you receive a result code 13, "Referral" error message. This indicates the card issuer is requesting direct contact with you (the merchant) in order to authorize the sale. Have the credit card number, expiration date, and amount available, before contacting the bank.

I called the card issuer and they told me to have the card holder call them before the charge would go through.

Turns out the customer had lost the card a couple months ago and the account was put on hold and this was the first time she tried to use it since.

Applies to: TIMSS6


At 5:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the very helpful post!


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