Rob's TIMSS Blog

My discoveries and ramblings of TIMSS/Personify.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Personify: Copying Customer Information

So you pull up a customer on the Call Center screen in Personify and you want to copy the customer ID to the clipboard so you can paste it somewhere. You can't highlight it so what do you do?

If you right click on the customer ID, a little menu pops up with one option: Copy. This copies it to the clipboard so you can paste it.

This also works on the Address and Phone information on the screen.

Applies to: Personify

Monday, September 17, 2007

Name Prefix, Suffix & Credential

In TIMSS 6 and Personify, an individual's name is made up of different parts, including Prefix, Suffix & Credential fields that are based on types and codes. The types are NAME_PREFIX, NAME_SUFFIX, CREDENTIALS, respectively. You CAN use periods in the code.

The prefix and suffix are selected from a drop down on the customer name screen. There are options in the System Parameters (USE_PREFIX_DESCR_LBL & USE_SUFFIX_DESCR_LBL) to determine if the code or it's description should be used in the label name.

For credentials, there is a look up on the customer name screen because you can select more than one credential (use the crtl key to select more than one). The code is used in the label name, and the description is shown to define the credential (i.e. CPA=Certified Public Accountant).

As on all codes, you can set a Display Order to control how these are displayed. You can use this to display the codes with common values first or in a logical order (Jr, Sr, III, IV, etc). If you have a long list of codes, it's probably best to display them alphabetically so your users can easily find what they are looking for.

Applies to: TIMSS6 & Personify

Monday, September 10, 2007

Personify: Web Services

Personify comes with 2 types of Web services: Universal Web services & Simple Web services.

The Universal Web service essentially wraps the Personify API for Web Service access. You can do just about anything with the Universal Web service, but it may take some knowledge of the Personify application. The Universal Web service is the most flexible approach but also the most complex. In general, it will return whatever you are looking for (including extender fields) but will return a lot of things you probably aren't looking for.

The Simple Web service is designed to do one thing simply. These Web services have simple parameters and simple return values. They are straight forward and easy to use but can’t do everything. The list of available Simple Web services will grow over time based on market research.

Applies to: Personify

Monday, September 03, 2007

Data Integrity: Gender & Prefix

One script that I ran on a regular basis had to do with a individual's gender and prefix. In general, they should agree and when they don't, something is wrong.

select master_customer_id, label_name, gender_code, name_prefix, formal_salutation, nickname
from customer
where customer_status_code='ACTIVE'
and ((gender_code='M' and name_prefix in ('Ms.','Mrs.','Miss'))
or (gender_code='F' and name_prefix in ('Mr.')))

If I had them all agreeing and then one day there were some that didn't agree it would mean that either someone had just created the record and entered one wrong or someone had changed the name of the customer (instead of creating a new customer record) and changed one but not the other.

Some further updates I did with these fields would be populating null values, for example if the prefix was Mr. then the gender is M.

update customer set gender_code='F'
where record_type='I'
and gender_code is null
and customer_status_code='ACTIVE'
and name_prefix in ('Ms.','Miss','Mrs.')

update customer set gender_code='M'
where record_type='I'
and gender_code is null
and customer_status_code='ACTIVE'
and name_prefix in ('Mr.')

You could also do the opposite, updating the prefix (and label name, search name, formal salutation, etc.) when the gender is known but the prefix is missing.

Applies to: TIMSS5, TIMSS6, & Personify