Rob's TIMSS Blog

My discoveries and ramblings of TIMSS/Personify.

Monday, September 25, 2006

TIMSS 6: Product Discounts

It's really easy to setup discounts in TIMSS 6. These discounts work automatically based on the customer and what's ordered. The two examples I'll show here are for bulk discounts on books, and a 5% discount applied to web orders with a given market code (actually called Promo Code in TCMS).

One note of caution is that TIMSS will only apply one discount code per line item. When mulitple discounts can apply, TIMSS should go with the on that gives the customer the best price.

Bulk Discounts: I've setup a discount of 20% on selected products when the quantity is between 11 and 20. The 20% is just for this item and only applies to the products in the table. At the bottom, the quantity is defined.

When and order is placed, either through the TIMSS application or the TCMS, for one of the books where the quantity is between 11 and 2o, a 20% discount is applied automatically. You will see the discount code on the order so you know which was applied.

Promo Discount: Here we wanted to reward those who purchased books through the web, so we are giving them a 5% discount when they purchase a book though TCMS (we sent them a coupon with a previous order to drive them to the website).

This discount is setup for the Order Level so the whole order gets the disocunt. The market code is chosen (this must already be setup in TIMSS as a market code) and the method is selected was WEB.

At the bottom, this is only valid for a certain date range.

So when someone comes to our TCMS store, and puts a book in their cart. Before they check out, they enter the promo code (marketing code) and they get a 5% discount on their order (if it's in the date range).

The extremely nice thing is that there is no extra setup for TCMS. It follows the same rules as TIMSS right out of the box!

Applies to: TIMSS6

Monday, September 11, 2006

Tweaking how TCMS web parts display

Aside from changing skins or the style sheet to change the format of how things are displayed, you can also tweak the aspx page for web parts to control how things are positioned.

For example, if you don't like that the featured products web part displays the product's small image in 2 different ratios or has an extra space at the start of the product's name, you can change this in the ..DesktopModules\TimssFeaturedItems\ctrlFeaturedItemSm.ascx file.

In this file you will see how the web part is layed out. You can not control what data is returned. With a little HTML knowledge you can move tables around and change the sizing of images or remove their border.

As always, you are responsible for any changes you make. If you break it and can't fix it, you will need to pay TMAR to fix it; and when you upgrade your changes may be over written. You may want to submit your changes to TIMSSCare so that the become a part of the base product.

Applies to: TIMSS6

Monday, September 04, 2006

TIMSS 6: VeriSign Referral Error

When charging a card the other day, we received the following error when we tried to authorize the card:

When I went to the VeriSign Manager, I saw that the result code returned was 13 and looked it up (

Referral. Transaction was declined but could be approved with a verbal authorization from the bank that issued the card. Submit a manual Voice Authorization transaction and enter the verbal authorization code. You normally request a voice authorization from a card-issuing bank when you receive a result code 13, "Referral" error message. This indicates the card issuer is requesting direct contact with you (the merchant) in order to authorize the sale. Have the credit card number, expiration date, and amount available, before contacting the bank.

I called the card issuer and they told me to have the card holder call them before the charge would go through.

Turns out the customer had lost the card a couple months ago and the account was put on hold and this was the first time she tried to use it since.

Applies to: TIMSS6