Rob's TIMSS Blog

My discoveries and ramblings of TIMSS/Personify.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Emailing Web Order Confirmations

You might remember a thread on the listserv a few months ago regarding emailing confirmations to customers for their orders. TIMSS6 has this as base function, however I didn't like the fact that is sends confirmation for all orders when I just wanted to send them for orders that came in through the web (customers expect this).

I found an article on how to send email from SQL Server using xp_smtp_sendmail. Following the steps in the article, I created a stored procedure in my database that emails confirmations for orders with a method of WEB. Then I used the SQL Server Agent to schedule a task to execute that procedure every couple minutes.

The xp_smtp_sendmail has a couple nice features, including changing who the email is from and allowing an HTML message.

I also added a table to the TIMSS database to store the messages that were sent.

Applies to: TIMSS5, TIMSS6, Personify

Monday, March 19, 2007

TAUG 2007

Yes it's TAUG time again. This year the TMA Resources Annual Users Group (TAUG) meeting is in Albuquerque, April 22-25. I'm on the Program Committee and I'm really looking forward to this year.

The sessions are categorized by personas. If you've been to the registration site ( you will see the different personas that the sessions are aimed atWhat's so great about TAUG? Here's a short list:

1. Great educational content
2. Networking with your counterparts that also use TIMSS
3. Free time with your Project Manager
4. Meet your TIMSSCare Rep.
5. See what other people are doing with TIMSS that you should be doing.
6. Get a look at Personify
7. Put a face to a helpful name from the listserv

This is my 7th TAUG (oh my God!) and I still get lots of good information from it. Just look at my blog posts from just after TAUG a year ago. Most of them were gleaned from it.

I hope to see you there! And if you have anthing you'd like to see here, let me know.
Applies to: TIMSS5, TIMSS6, Personify

Monday, March 12, 2007

TIMSS 6: Membership Default Date Masks

When setting up a membership product, there are 2 variables that you can set to determine what the default begin and end date of the membership will be. They are set on the Membership Structure Setup screen (MBR000) and on each membership product (MBR001).

The available codes for these to variable are found in types and codes under DEF_END_MASK and DEF_START_MASK.

  • BEGJAN- First of January
  • BEGFEB- First of February
  • BEGMAR- First of March
  • BEGAPR- First of April
  • BEGMAY- First of May
  • BEGJUL- First of July
  • BEGJUN- First of June
  • BEGAUG- First of August
  • BEGSEP- First of September
  • BEGOCT- First of October
  • BEGNOV- First of November
  • BEGDEC- First of December
  • BEGMY- First of the current month
  • CUTOFFMONTH- First of Next Month after cutoff days- stored in OPTION_1 of the DEF_START_MASK code
  • CUTOFFYEAR- First of Next Year after cutoff months- stored in OPTION_1 of the DEF_START_MASK code
  • NEXTMONTH- First of Next Month
  • TODAY- Today


  • 1YEAR- One Year
  • 1YRMINUS- One Year Minus (end date is last date of previous month next year)
  • 1YRPLUS- One Year Plus (end date is last day of current month next year)
  • ENDJAN- End of January
  • ENDFEB- End of February
  • ENDMAR- End of March
  • ENDAPR- End of April
  • ENDMAY- End of May
  • ENDJUL- End of July
  • ENDJUN- End of June
  • ENDAUG- End of August
  • ENDSEP- End of September
  • ENDOCT- End of October
  • ENDNOV- End of November
  • ENDDEC- End of December

A common choice for the end date is the One Year Plus. This will give the member a few extra days of membership on their FIRST order by making the end date the last day of the month. So if they joined on 3/15/2007, their end date would be 3/31/2008, giving 12.5 months of membership.

Many organizations go with the One Year Plus so that they have a few extra days in that first year to get setup. For example if they joined at the end of the month they might miss that month's magazine, but they would still get 12 issues; if they joined early in the month, they might actually get 13 issues, but they would not get 11 issues and short change the member.

My organization is a Trade Association and our membership runs annually. Thus we use the value for End of December as our default end mask.

I would imagine that most organizations use TODAY for the start date of their new membership orders.

You should note that this really only effects new membership orders. Renewals are based on the end date of the current order and whatever length you have setup for the membership product.

Applies to: TIMSS6

Monday, March 05, 2007

TIMSS 6: Extender Textbox

This came across the listserv a couple weeks ago. It's good information and I like to put stuff up here so I know what I've done in TIMSS. All credit goes to Dave D. and Eric E.

When adding a text box to a screen, Dave wanted to have it read only with a scroll bar. Here's what he did:

Dim oTextBox as Object
oTextBox = MyForm.getformcontrolbyname("usr_txt11")
oTextBox.ReadOnly = "True"
Catch Ex as Exception
End Try

Values for scrollbars: 0=None; 1=Horizontal; 2=Vertical; 3=Both

Applies to: TIMSS6